Vintage Hill Farm

5643 Highway 87
Franklin, Missouri 65250

Phone 660-848-2373

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Vintage Hill Farm – Highland Cattle


Highlands of Vintage Hill

Highland cattle are an ancient breed of beef cattle from the rugged hillsides of Scotland. Known for their shaggy coats and docile dispositions, they are an inspiring example of how what was once old makes perfect sense in this modern world. Fans of Highland cattle vary from those wanting to add some hardy characteristics to their crossbreeding program to serious preservationists of the breed who just want to look at them. In this age of "where does your food come from?" they are very popular among grass fed beef programs. Because their genetics are quite unrelated to other cattle breeds, the hybrid vigor factor of Highland crosses is unparalleled. The interesting fact about these old genetics?  Back then cows were bred to finish on grass.  Modern day cattle are selected for feedlot performance

Vintage Hill specializes in preserving traditional breed character, structural correctness and disposition in our Highland cattle. We want our Highlands to look like Highlands. When starting out in 2005, we selected cows from direct imported parents and grandparents in their entire pedigree.  Then thru AI and embryo transplant have crossed those cows with Scottish imported bulls, many which have been deceased 30 or more years.  The result? Our pedigrees read like the Who's Who of traditional Highland sires and dams.  Our animals have great udders even in their teens and sturdy feet.

Vintage Hill only uses and recognizes American Highland Cattle Association (AHCA) for registrations. If you are just starting out or looking to add a new heifer or cow to your fold, we highly recommend only buying registered animals whose parentage has been verified by DNA.   Noted by (D) and (PV) on the registration certificate.

Grass Fed Highland beef raised at Vintage Hill is available.  All animals are fed and finished exclusively on pasture.  Beef is available for purchase by quarter or half. If you are a fan of grass fed beef, Highland will be the best you have tasted.

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